About the book
*from Regnery Kids
Washington, D.C. - In an increasingly materialistic, fast-paces, and technology-centered world, family time has become a thing of the past. Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of the #1 New York Times bestselling book Simple Abundance, has the answer in her newest book, The Best Part of the Day. She motivates families to start a daily tradition of celebrating the small joys of everyday life. We've forgotten the simple pleasures; The Best Part of the Day is a reminder of the timeless grace found in gratitude.
Many women exclaim how Simple Abundance changed their lives; The Best Part of the Day will bring this same life-changing message to their children and grandchildren. With beautiful illustrations and charming rhymes, The Best Part of the Day will teach young children everywhere how much fun it is enjoy the little things that make life sweet.
Sarah explains that: "Gratitude is often thought of as intellectual concept, when really Gratitude is a small seed planted in the heart that is nurtured and nourished through acknowledging all the good that surrounds us. Good that can be discovered through the reassuring comfort of family customs, rituals, and traditions and restoring a sense of rhythm in our daily round and through the changing seasons."
After inspiring millions of women around the world with her international bestseller, Sarah Ban Breathnach reaches out to a new generation of readers. In this, her very first children's book, Sarah invites parents and grandparents to start a new bedtime tradition by posing a timeless questions - What was the best part of your day?
About the author
My thoughts
I just love books especially books that teach important lessons and ideas. This children's book, The Best Part of the Day, has a beautiful message of looking at the best part of the day and focusing on the good. This book came at a perfect time in my life because lately I have been having troubles seeing anything wonderful. I was in a very gloomy mood. This book was a reminder about how there is so much to be happy about.
I really want my children to grow up with the habit of looking for the best part of their day. So we have been reading this book a lot the last few weeks and I keep asking them what their best part of the day was. I really only expect an answer from Monkey since Roo only says 1 words and sometimes 2 word sentences. It has been fun hearing Monkey talk about riding the bus, playing at school, playing blocks with me, and being home with his family. It was truly touching to hear these simple but profound statements from my precious little boy.
The illustrations are simply breathtaking. I love looking at the pictures and remembering when I played in recommend this book for everyone!
the leaves and what I did each season this year. This book is one that I will cherish throughout my years and one that I am so thankful to have in my collection. I totally without any hesitation
*Disclosure: I received the products mentioned in this post at no cost in order to do this review. All opinions are my own.
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