Thursday, January 29, 2015

Stuff You Already Know....And Everybody Should Review & Giveaway

About the book

Part pep talk, part reflection, part friendly kick in the butt, Stuff You Already Know . . . And Everybody Should gives you 437 ways to make your life count from doing the right thing (#256) to setting boundaries (#333) to relating to people half your age (#369). No matter what your season of life whether newly graduated, climbing the career ladder, or living out your legacy years these 437 nuggets and their accompanying stories are sure to provoke laughter, conversation, contemplation, and bold new action.

About the author

Gina DeLapaGina DeLapa headed for California in 2001 to pursue a master's degree in counseling a move that raised a few eyebrows from her Midwestern entrepreneurial family, but nonetheless worked out unbelievably well. She has served as a university career counselor in the Midwest and as an adjunct faculty member at her alma mater, the University of San Diego.

Today she is the creator of the Stuff You Already Know series, which is either going to take off like a rocket or never be mentioned again. Either way, she's not leaving southern California. For more information or to join the Stuff You Already Know revolution, visit

My thoughts

I love reading books that contains information about "what I have learned during my life". Stuff You Already Now...and Everybody should know is one of those books. This book contains 437 short statements in a wide range of topics. Because the statements are short, the book is a really fast read. However, I enjoyed reading the book at a slower pace so I could read a few nugget at a time and take a moment and think about them.

The author does have some weird nuggets, but she does offer explanations on why she included them. Some nuggets of advice do include small stories so the author can explain why she included that nugget of advice. It is kind of fun understanding the back story of some of the advice.

Here are some examples:
20. Never ridicule someone's name. Names are sacred.
39. Take notes on your own life.
98. If you don't like someone, don't go camping with them.
159. Don't take medical advice from Dr. Google.
168. Before you pick up your date, clean out your car.
209. Cut your parents some slack. They, too, had imperfect parents, as did we all.
411. Put your energy into the present and the future, not the past
The advice is the book is serious, funny, witty, and just plan obvious. The best thing is that this book makes you think, laugh, and say "duh, I should totally be doing that". 

*open to anyone who is 18+ who lives in USA or Canada
*winner has 48 hours to respond to winning email before a new winner is chosen

*Disclosure: I received the product mentioned in this post at no cost in order to do this review. All opinions are my own.


  1. The advice I ALWAYS give is this: "The sun will rise in the morning- whether you're there or not, whether you want it to or not- so you may as well be happy about it."

  2. "Bloom where you're planted" was the wise advice from a sister-in-law when we had to move over 1,000 miles from all family.

  3. I love giving this advice: ALWAYS listen and trust your inner voice (gut,still small voice within, intuition,etc.). That part of you always knows what's best for you.
